I love breakfast casseroles.
They are easy and delicious and make my life so simple. I can prep the dish the night before and just get up early to set it on high and it will be ready in no time. Or, I can set it on low before going to bed and I will be woken up by the delicious smell of breakfast being ready in the crockpot. Either of those options is more than fine with me!
My husband loves tater tots. Now, I mean LOVES tater tots. He would like me to include them in every breakfast meal he can get. He also likes me to serve them as a side with burgers. Weird? Sure, but totally delicious in his opinion! Tater tot casserole is a great way to get a good filling breakfast into your belly (and your family’s) without taking too much time.
But if you want to make it even better take that tater tot casserole and pop it into the crockpot.
Please see the 2nd Page for Ingredients